That's right. I e-mailed two different guys in one day and a total of three this week. After my successful date with Greg, I was feeling a little more confident with this whole online dating thing, so on Monday I messaged I guy I've been thinking about messaging for months. However, right after I pressed 'send' I noticed on his profile that he hadn't logged into the site for over a month; in other words, I'm not surprised I've not heard back from him.
My dating site claims that October is Ladies Month, and as such, we women should take the initiative to message guys in whom we're interested. It's not that I haven't done that before, but I've decided that I should be a little more gung-ho about this whole thing. Anyhoo, on Friday, I wrote to two different guys and I actually got a response from one of them, who, for the time being I'll call Luke. Hooray! We've now exchanged a few messages so maybe something will come of it.
Finally, here's today's ridiculous profile bit: "I am so tired of writing these damn things. No one really cares anyway, right? I know most of you girls just care about the pictures anyway, and I know that in that department I'm not particularly impressive. As my screen-name would suggest, I'm a huge film geek. Yeah, that's right, a geek. If you don't geek out about something, then quite frankly, you are boring."
Hat for Pat
6 years ago
This quote is interesting, because way before seeing his "unimpressive" pictures, I'm turned off by his attitude (and I'm hardly Pollyanna :-). Obviously HE cares, or he wouldn't be writing this. He needs some help with being self-deprecating in moderation. (And if he likes major geeks so much, he should befriend all the guys OKCupid ever matched me with.)
He's more self-depricating than I was in high school——and that's saying something.
A guy who doesn't even find himself interesting is not too impressive. It sounds like he's had a bit of on-line dating burnout, or he is anticipating some.
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