Hat for Pat
6 years ago
I joined the online-dating world at the end of 2007, and started this blog to keep track of my experiences. I wrote about the good, the bad, and the ugly of online dating. I'm now engaged—to the wonderful man I met online—and this blog has come to an end. Thanks for reading.
Hmm...that's a tough one. But I don't think you actually need an excuse. If you know you're not going to see the person again, I think that "It's getting late, I have a lot to do" would probably be enough. I think another idea might be to engineer a first date that is short by nature, such as having coffee (or related beverages).
The excuse I always use is "I'm not feeling well." First of all, this is almost always true. Or it has been for the last three years. While living in China, there was always some low-grade form of food poisoning making itself comfortable in my gut. Usually I just did what I wanted to do anyway, but it was sufficiently onerous that if I didn't want to do something, it was a good excuse to not do it. And what are they going to do, call me out? Say "no you feel just fine!"?
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