Have you ever been on a blind date. Good experience? Bad experience? Do tell.
Hat for Pat
6 years ago
I joined the online-dating world at the end of 2007, and started this blog to keep track of my experiences. I wrote about the good, the bad, and the ugly of online dating. I'm now engaged—to the wonderful man I met online—and this blog has come to an end. Thanks for reading.
You should totally do a "crazy blind date!" At least try it once. You have nothing to lose (except your time, so make it a quick coffee at first). Even if it doesn't go well, you'll have something to blog about. So, do it for your blog readers if you won't do it for yourself :)
And on your next date, try giving your heart a chance to have an opinion, before your brain interrupts with its checklist of attributes the ideal man-date.
Freshman year in college, I had a blind date who gave me a really good idea for a core paper...so even if these things don't work out romantically, there's always the possibility that some other interesting thing could happen...
I've had a blind date. One was with a senior during my sophomore year of college -- a friend set us up. It was fun, but there wasn't a spark there.
My parents met on a blind date. The way my mom tells it, it wasn't a great date. But, they've been married almost 30 years, so there must have been something there!
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